How to Cite This Article
Yawer Aldakawi, Dana M.; Saeed, Dara H.; and Saleem Almola, Walaa M.
"The Prevalence of Amalgam Overhang in Erbil City Population,"
Polytechnic Journal: Vol. 10:
1, Article 10.
Document Type
Original Article
Overhanging tooth restorations are defined as an extension of amalgam restorative material beyond or after the cavity preparation lines, lead to environmental change of the balance between beneficial bacteria and periodontopathogens, lead to periodontal breakdown. This study aim was to obtain the prevalence of tooth amalgam overhang in Erbil city population. Amalgam overhang restoration prevalence study about 1200 patients examined in College of Dentistry, Hawler Medical University, and (Khanzad) Specialized Center for Dentistry for the presence of proximal amalgam restoration. The patients also have who proximal restorations were examined clinically using dental mirror and explorer and then radiographically by taking bitewing radiograph. The results showed statistical analysis for the prevalence of amalgam overhang among patients attitude in the study (25.4%). The distribution of amalgam overhang was 59.4% for upper teeth and 40.6% for lower teeth and 64.6% for distal surface, 36.4% for the mesial surface. In conclusion, there is a high percentage of amalgam overhang among population that need treatment to prevent subsequent periodontal diseases.
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