
Document Type

Original Article


Background: Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a medical condition, the most common, most important, and best defined, and the most carefully studied of all nerve entrapment syndromes. Objective: Our study aims to evaluate clinical tests in the diagnosis of CTS with special reference to modified Duran’s test regarding specificity and sensitivity. Patients and Methods: A prospective study carried out on 300 hands in 240 patients with symptomatic CTS was taken, from August 2015 to February 2017, at Erbil Teaching hospital (Orthopedic department). History, clinical examination, and Electrophysiological by Electromyography and Nerve conduction study and 250 persons without symptoms on 300 hands were taken as a controlling group. We applied the five clinical provocative tests on each group, Phalen’s test, Tinal’s test, original Duran’s test, arm Tourniquet test, and Reversed Phalen’s test. In this research, we compared former tests by our test modification (Duran’s test), considering specificity, accuracy, and sensitivity. Results: Findings show that the modified Duran’s test was the most specific (94%), accurate (94%), and sensitive (94%) in comparison with the other provocative tests. The modified Duran test had the highest positivity rate, according to the cases in less than 1-month history of symptoms it reached: 81.8% which was higher than the result of the previous tests in comparison to the previous clinical tests. Its mean time was 11.5 s. Conclusions: Modified Duran’s test was simple, noninvasive, most sensitive, and most specific in comparison to other clinical tests. Furthermore, the reaction time of Modified Duran’s test was the shortest

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