
Document Type

Original Article


Fixed orthodontic appliances corrupt plaque removal, proper oral hygiene, and gingival health so periodontal evaluation is important to be checked in every appointment. The aim of the present study was to assess gingival health among patients with a fixed orthodontic appliance. A clinical comparative study conducted on 25 patients with an aged ranged from 15 to 25 years. Clinical parameters included plaque index (PI), gingival index (GI), and bleeding on probing (BOP) were recorded at base line before starting orthodontic treatment and after 1 month of treatment. A double paired t-test was applied to the data collected for statistical analysis. The mean value of PI (1.11), GI (1.155), and BOP (0.600) scores was increased after placement of fixed orthodontic appliance, but with no statistically significant difference with base line for PI (P-value = 0.596), GI (P-value = 0.355), and BOP (P-value = 0.256), respectively. Regarding age group, mean PI (1.46), GI (1.22), and BOP (0.875) were increased with increasing age, patients who age’s ≥20 showed statistical significant difference for gingival and plaque means P-value = 0.006 and P-value = 0.03) for ≥20, respectively. The finding of this study had shown that patients with fixed orthodontic appliances had non-significant increase in the mean value of plaque, gingival, and BOP indices scores. All mean scores were increased with increasing age, but with non-significantly for BOP only.

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