
Document Type

Original Article


Taenia hydatigena is one of the most prevalent taeniid species of livestock and dogs. A total of 52 fecal samples were collected from September 2019 to May 2020. The highest prevalence rate was observed in Rural area (21.15%, 11/52), as compared to Urban area (15.38%, 8/52). Nineteen (9 males and 10 females) out of 52 dogs were infected with T. hydatigena; there were no significant differences in prevalence based on molecular technique was observed between females (19.23%) and males (17.31%). The DNA’s of taeniid eggs were extracted, amplified, and sequenced by targeting of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (cox1). The partial nucleotide sequence was submitted to the GenBank and recorded under accession number (MT298194-MT298197). Molecular analysis indicates that the specimens characterized in this study belong to the same species and shared greater 98.71–100% identity with cox1 sequences of T. hydatigena. This is the first molecular diagnosis of T. hydatigena in the stray dogs at Erbil Province. The data are a useful for health and educational authorities responsible for designing and implementing effective measures for disease control.

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