
Document Type

Original Article


Today, our society is polluted with the diseases belong to various types including inherited, germs, hazard infectious with physiologic one. Information on the disease epidemiology and reviewing data analysis helps us in controlling strategies. Since the early 1980s, this region has faced wars, political irregularity, and economic collapse, leads to the migration of over ten million people, two million have internally displaced. In addition to several other factors which mentioned by ministry of health includes poor sanitation, poor nutrition and also population density because population of Iraq has more than doubled in the last 25 years. The aim of any reviewed data analysis is to obtain an accurate picture of a particular health problem and they are used to finding out the variation of specific health problems, diagnose patterns in existence of the problem, determine any potent reasons and risk factors, evaluate the efficacy of protection scale and care them. The reviewed results reveal the existence of five genus of parasite as the most parasitic infection/infestation in Iraq during the years between 2011 and 2020. These include four species of protozoans (Entamoeba histolytica, Toxoplasma gondii, Giardia lamblia, and Trichomonas vaginalis) and one arthropod, Pediculus humanus capitis. Data analysis confirmed that there is a clear variation in the prevalence of parasitic infection among different Iraqi provenances. During the reviewed period, high prevalence of infection was recorded in several Iraqi provenances including, E. histolytica from Kirkuk (79.49%), T. gondii from in AL-Amaara (18.07%), G. lamblia and T. vaginalis from AL-Basrah (11.05%, 55.4%, respectively), and the head lice, P. humanus capiotis from Koya District at Erbil provenance (41.14%). Variation in the rate of infection/infestation tells us that there is some instability among study area including, instability of the security and military situation, economic instability, population density instability. In addition to several other factors including, social behavior, the position of religious shrines, unwanted water network and poor public health control in Iraq which are decides also on the change in prevalence of infection.

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