
Document Type

Original Article


The contact of lasers with biomaterials liketissues, blood, and skin is acentralfield of research. Invitro irradiation of human blood with laser beams has been studied for decades, to understand the biostimulatory effects on the different blood cells. Laser tissue associations are determined by employingspectroscopic and cutting-edge microscopic technicality. In this study, blood was extracted under standard laboratory settings from healthy human subjects. The samples were exposed to He-Ne laser (wavelength ʎ= 650nm, power p= 100mW) and green laser (wavelength ʎ= 530nm, power p= 500mW).Complete blood count (CBC) and FTIR spectra for non-irradiated samples were comparedto CBC and FTIR spectra of irradiated samples.During exposure to green laser light MCH and PCT were not affected while under He-Ne laser exposureall CBC parameters were affected. FTIR spectrum of normal blood laser irradiation indicated that O-H, C=O, C-O, NH, N=O and C-H.As the duration of exposure to He-Ne laser irradiation on whole blood is decreased for 10, 20, and 30 minutes, the absorption for all groups, except NH and CO absent peaks for 10 and 20 minutes, yet it ispresent in 30 minutes.When blood is exposed to green laser, all of the functional groups OH,C=O,CH and N=O are present, however for control 2 only peaks of CO after irradiation for 30 minutes are absent. The findings prove that green laser light therapy has a lesser effect on the blood component than He-Ne lasers.

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