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qasmarrogy, Ghassan A. and Fadhil, Areen Jamal
"A Comparative Study of Different FANET 802.11 Wireless Protocols with Different Data Loads,"
Polytechnic Journal: Vol. 12:
1, Article 8.
Document Type
Original Article
IEEE 802.11 based Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs) are becoming popular in home, enterprise and public access areas primarily due to their low cost, simplicity of installation and high data rates. While WLANs continue to be predominantly data centric, there is growing interest in using WLANs for voice and text data especially in enterprise markets. In this paper, a comprehensive analysis comparison to measure the delay, throughput packet loss and retransmission attempts was done to different scenarios using different trending wireless protocols such as 802.11n (2.4GHz, 5GHz), 802.11g, 802.11b, 802.11a while transferring low and high data load in FANET, with two major routing protocols AODV, and OLSR. As concluded in the result, recent wireless technology 802.11n with frequency band such of 2.4GHz can give better performance as they transfer higher data rates with longer distances and frequency band of 5GHz with higher data rate and less distance than 2.4GHz.
Publication Date
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