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Reinforcement corrosion is the most problematic phenomenon and one of the main sources for the degradation of structures and infrastructures all across the world, that leads to their premature deterioration before design life has been attained. Therefore, the structural effects of rebar corrosion are crucial in determining the structural performance and residual strength of impaired structures. In the present work, the corrosion initiation mechanisms, corrosion products, corrosion types, corrosion consequences on structural performance and detrimental factors related to corrosion were presented in brief. Moreover, the propagation period and the main consequences on mechanical properties of steel and concrete are analyzed. Analyses of the available statisticaldata collected from literature were performed for 443 specimens. The findings are further interpreted from structural point of view, and deterioration equations for the mechanical properties of the corroded reinforcements are developed. The relations are well analyzed, leading to the definition of decay equation for yielding and ultimate stresses, and ultimate strain. It was found that the mass loss of 1% due to the rebar corrosion can cause the strength loss of 1.34%, 1.30%, and 3.54% respectively for yield strength, ultimate strength, and elongation. The suggested formulas can be applied in analytical and numerical structural applications.

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