
Document Type

Original Article


This research assessed the utilization of substantial limestone and marlstone outcrop aggregates surrounding the city of Koya in the Shiranish Formation for building and concrete work. This study examines the effects of using two types of locally accessible aggregates on compressive strength qualities in the concrete mix as a partial replacement for using typical coarse aggregates to determine the acceptability of using the aggregates for typical concrete production. Physico-mechanical and chemical properties of the aggregates were investigated in a preliminary laboratory study shows that the average values of dry density, water absorption, porosity, moisture content, point load index, compressive strength and aggregate abrasion value (AAV) of the limestone and marlstone are (2.38g/cm3, 4.4%, 10.46%, 0.71%, 4.14MPa, 93.1MPa, 18.2%) and (2.45g/cm3, 3.25%, 7.97%, 0.65%, 1.84MPa, 41.7MPa, 36.9%) respectively. Simple regression analysis has been used to illustrate how physical and mechanical properties are related. Concrete with a nominal mix ratio of 1:2:4 was used for this research, and mix compositions were determined using the absolute volume method. In order to monitor the compressive strength at 28 days, 15 cubes (10x10x10cm) of each type of coarse aggregate were cast. This provided as a guidance for people using concrete as to the best alternative fine aggregate for concrete productions. All parameter values were compared to each other and to the BS, ASTM, and NZGS standards for their qualification as an aggregate source for domestic building and highway pavement.

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