
Document Type

Original Article


Background: ketogenic diet refers to the diet plan that emphasizes foods that are high in fats, moderate proteins and very low carbohydrates to consume more calories from fat rather than carbohydrates and is commonly used as a weight-loss plan and in rare cases, as a treatment for some diseases. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate or assess organ functions in the individuals following ketogenic diet. Patients and methods: A total 31 samples were collected from individuals following ketogenic diet in male and femal aged from 20 to 55, and a control group which composed of 10 healthy individuals without ketogenic diet, and the diet duration was from 2 to 44 weeks. The sample were collected from Dec 2021 to Mar 2021 at Rozhalat emergency laboratory. We have measured serum urea, creatinine and hepatic enzymes in those individuals. We measured it statistically and regarded p-value for significance for less than 0.05. Result: Our result showed that ketogenic diet reduced the estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) and induced Alanine transaminase(ALT) compared to control group (individual without ketogenic diet), moreover, there is no statistically difference in serum Aspartate transaminase(AST) and bilirubin compared to control group. The mean value of eGFR, ALT, AST, and bilirubin in ketogenic group are (79.3±5.7), (22.7± 3.6), (24.87±3.73), (0.72±0.05) respectively. Conclusion: We have observed that ketogenic diet affects the kidney function, the function of other organs like liver and induce hypercholesterolemia

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