
Document Type

Original Article


Objective To analyze and describe the techniques and procedures employed in root canal treatment in the Kurdistan Region.

Method This study was conducted in 2023 and involved a simple random sample of 210 dentists/endodontists practitioners. The survey was spread throughout both private and governmental sectors in three distinct locations within the Kurdistan Region. The study aimed to enhance dentists' awareness and knowledge of the latest devices and advanced techniques used in the field of endodontics. The data were evaluated using basic summary statistics.

Results The eighty seven percentage of the practitioners responded. The majority of participants reported using step-back instrumentation K-type files 65% as their primary procedures for root canal preparation and intracanal instruments. Overall, 46% of the individuals abstained from using intracanal medications in their professional practice. The cold lateral compaction method was selected by 80% of the respondents. However, two percentage employed magnification devices, whilst 71% utilised electronic apex locators EAL. Among the respondents who reported using rotary nickel titanium files, 75 % used the Protaper system.

Conclusions: Traditional practices in the Kurdistan Region lack scientific evidence to prove their efficacy. The study's findings indicate that it is essential to include evidence-based practice concepts in educational curriculum, continuous professional development programs, and advanced academic research.

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