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Research Article
This technique used to treat the emulsion clay soil stimulating Ionian with low energy is done through full briefing of the contaminated area by a fence from the aqueous calcium sulfate. It was duty to design a system which contribute to reduce the impact of radioactivity in the affected areas. The work took in the design and implementation of numerous months with continuous examination of regular flour samples for examination-derived from the soil. Babylon governorate sites that have been selected are, Trocar Fish Company, Electricity Company, The Industrial District, The Village of Hammam. Results were negative for all the tests, after confirmation of the tests had to prepare for this design get to the allowable international ratio. Reduction rates as a result of this design, ranging from (11-70%), this reduction has high level of acceptability in comparison with the levels that have been pre-treatment tested. Results of the analysis proved that the high concentration of this gas has been found exclusively at sites that had previously exposed to the air strikes directly and can not be compared with the international levels. As the high level of pollution has been also found in the sites near the area strucked by the projectiles wars. While there are sites where was within the normal level of concentration which were not exposed to any military operations predecessor. اخلالصة : التقنية املستخدمة ملعاجلة الطني املستحلب لرتبة حمفزة ايونيا بطاقة منخفضة تتم من خالل االحاطة التامة للمنطقة امللوثة بسياج من كربيتات الكالسيوم املائية املعاجل. تضاف مادة كلوريد الكالسيوم بنسبة 0.5( غرام / لرت) ومادة الكاربون االسود اىل اخلليط الطينى والذى ميزج بشدة من خالل ضخ اهلواء عاىل الضغط وذلك لغرض حتقيق االذابها لكاملة للماده احملفزة, يتحرر خليط من الغازات ذات التاثري الضار على الصحة والبيئة, بعد التقصى والبحث مت اختيار اربع مواقع ميدانية فى حمافظة بابل لدراسة النشاط االشعاعى النها تعانى من عدد من االصابات والتشوهات اخللقية ومت التاكد من خالل الرجوع اىل السجالت االحصائية فى املستشفى املختص. لذا كان من الواجب تصميم منظومة تساهم فى احلد من تاثري النشاط االشعاعى فى املناطق املصابة, استغرق العمل فى تصميم وتنفيذ املنظومة
Soil, Radionuclide, Physiochemical Technique. الكلمات املفتاحيه: الرتبة, النويدات املشعة, التقنية الفيزوكيميائية.
How to Cite This Article
Mahmood, Abbas Ali Mr.
"دراسة التلوث االشعاعى لرتبة حمافظة بابل باستخدام التقنية الفيزيوكيميائية للطني املائى املستحلب Using Soil Governorate Babylon of Pollution Radioactivity of Study Clay Water of Emulsion for Technique Physiochemical,"
Polytechnic Journal: Vol. 7:
2, Article 3.
Publication Date
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