
Document Type

Original Article


Thrombocytopenia is one of the health problems that faced pregnant women. The formation of antibodies against some of viral and bacterial infection leads to molecular mimicry with the surface of platelets. Hence, it leads to thrombocytopenic purpura. In current study, 421 women including 388 pregnant and 33 non-pregnant women, aged between 18 - 44 years participated in this study. Complete blood count (CBC) and anti H. pylori tests were performed for all participants. A total number of seropositive women for anti H. pylori Ab test (IgG) was 253 (60.1%) including 237 pregnant women and 93 of them were with history of abortion. The results showed significant differences (p<0.000) in mean platelet count between seropositive results for Anti H. pylori Ab test (IgG) and women with seronegative results. Among 253 seropositive women, 199 (78.65%) of them have low platelet count, while only (4.76%) of seronegative women were thrombocytopenic. The cutoff of platelet count for thrombocytopenia set on (150,000 cell/cmm3). ROC analysis revealed good prognostic value of thrombocytopenia for H. pylori infection. This finding concluded that thrombocytopenia can be one of biomarker for H pylori infection among pregnant women.

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