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Khidr, Sahand K. Mr. and Khalil, Srwa M. Mrs.
"The effect of field application through compost and uncompost fertilizers on major chickpea insect pests and natural enemies,"
Polytechnic Journal: Vol. 7:
4, Article 2.
Document Type
Original Article
The current study was conducted to evaluate the impact of organic and inorganic compound fertilizers on some insect populations associated with chickpea crop via using four different levels of admixed compost (poultry litter-wheat straw) and four levels of the compound fertilizer (NPK) were applied into the soil. Parameters studied included insect pests’ numbers and their natural enemies, biological yield, growth and grain yields of chickpea crop. Results indicated that soil amended with chemical fertilizers were more susceptible to pest attack than the compost fertilizer counterparts. As a result, highest population density (1.2/ plant), (7.96/ plant) and (2.72/ net) for the cabbage looper (Trichoplusia ni Hübner), shield bug (Carpocoris fuscispinus (Boheman)) and potato leaf hopper (Empoasca fabae Harris) respectively were recorded on chickpea by the use of highest level of inorganic fertilizer (IF0.4). Bioagent populations were higher in plots with high host populations, but only where organic fertilizer was applied. Thus, the use of high levels of organic compost (OC15 and OC20 t/ ha) recorded highest population of hover fly (Syrphus corolla (Fabricius)) (1.23 and 1.15/ net) and (0.07/ larva) for bracon parasitoid (Bracon sp.). While, highest population of common green lacewing (Chrysopela carnea (Stephens)) was observed on the control treatment followed by OC20 (0.55 and 0.53/ net) respectively. Both organic and inorganic treatments did not vary significantly and therefore attained approximately equal biological yields of chickpea. However, statistically significant differences were found between various nutrient treatments in terms of seed yields with highest seed yields (2128.89 kg/ha) was obtained via the use of OC20.
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