
Document Type

Original Article


The experiment was carried out at the Khabat Technical Institute - Erbil Polytechnic University in the summer of 2015 to evaluate the effect of adding Sulfur to reduce the risks of using saline water in calcareous soil. Four levels of Sulfur (S1, S2, S3 and S4) were applied under three salinity irrigation water levels (EC1, EC2 and EC3). Factorial design with three replications was used under controlled conditions. The aim of this study was to find a method to reduce of soil pH and evaluate the effect of adding sulfur on plant germination process (corn) and soil properties. The results indicated that the third level of Sulfur (S3) had greatest impact on reducing the risk of salinity (EC3), while the fourth level (S4) had the reverse effect. Significant differences were observed between treatments. Physiological characteristics such as root length, shoot length, germination percentage, and germination power were studied. In addition, soil chemical properties (EC, TDS, ESP, Na, K, Mg, Ca and CaCO3) under different treatments were compared and significant difference was observed. Also, the treatments were compared in terms of the soil potential matric and osmotic pressure (Total soil water potential); effects of sulfur were significant

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