
Document Type

Original Article


Urinary tract infection (UTI) is one of the most common bacterial infections resulting in high direct health care expenditure. There are hypotheses suggest that recurrent UTI related to host immunity. Five hundred seventeen pregnant women comprising 388 pregnant and 33 non- pregnant women, aged between 20 - 55 years, were selected randomly. The aim of this study is to compare between the level of C3 complement component, immunoglobulins (IgG, IgM, and IgA), hs-CRP among patients who are suffering from UTI and women with no of UTI. The results show the significant differences in the Mean ± SD for IgG, IgM and IgA classes respectively of patients who are suffering from UTI compared to the patients who haven’t UTI were (P-value = 0.040, 0. 005 and 0. 001). While, Mean ± SD for IgM, IgA and IgG classes of patients who have the hs-CRP > 5.00 respectively compared to the patients who have hs-CRP ≤ 5.00 and shows high significant differences between these two groups (P-<0.001). The mean ± SD concentration of hs-CRP in the sera of UTI patients in comparison with women who haven’t UTI also show significant differences (P-value <0.000), and there was a highly significant increase in the mean ± SD concentration of complement component C3 in the sera of UTI patients in comparison with women who haven’t UTI (P-value <0.000). Our study show that UTI is more common among women in urban than rural. This study concluded to the differences in immunological parameters among women infected with UTI and non-infected.

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