
Document Type

Original Article


Estimate of erosion and sedimentation in the basins without data is difficult such as most of the Iraqi Kurdistan watersheds. In this case using empirical data are needed in order to provide a basis for planning the actual management, also important component in hydrological studies, soil erosion, flood hazard, water supply projects and design of drainage system. Alibag catchment is one of the sub-basins of the Great Zab River, area of 237 square kilometers in the Erbil provinces, Iraqi Kurdistan. However, it has a great importance in terms of agriculture and tourism. So, it's important to estimate the amount of soil erosion. In this study the USLE (Universal Soil Loss Equation) method was used. The different layers of the USLE equation was prepared and processed in Arc GIS. Empirical equations were used for each of the parameters of USLE, by considering characteristics of similar areas. Rainfall and soil data were processed, the slope and vegetation layers were formed using aerial photos and complete with field studies. Soil loss values range between 0 and 16.6 (ton.h-1.y-1). Mean value is 6.05 and the SD (Standard Division) parameter is (0.7 ton.h-1.y-1), respectively.

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