
Document Type

Original Article


Water is the key for sustaining life, almost ninety seven percent of water is ocean and remaining one is for drinking water. Within that concept, the world is facing water crisis, due to rapid growth with population, continuous practicing food production, industry, infrastructure, and environmental change. The water management is the solution to these conflicts. Different water stakeholders such as farmer, domestic and household user’s hydropower projects, recreational users and ecosystems can properly be managed in terms of water supply and consumption through the integrated water resources management.This study is based on a conjoint analysis survey conducted for Dukan, a district in Kurdistan region of Iraq. The study adopted a stated preferences method, in order to elicit preferences of water consumers in Dukan toward the water management. A discrete choice models based on random utility theory with ranked order choice tasks were implemented for a representative sample of Dukan. Secondary materials were needed to supplement the field work and to get more information about management of Dukan water basins.The secondary materials were mostly reports found through Google scholar and in scientific journals. Information about Kurdistan region was found through the Kurdistan region government’s National website. The aim of this attribute was to make better access of water fordeferent uses of life. The study applied questionnaire and interview for deferent levels household, farmer and government official because each one has vital role in managing water in daily life. As result, the study found that strategy plan for 10 years, no need to reuse water, willingness for payment 5thousand or 10 thousand dinars and implementing water service by both public and private sector are most important in accordance to communities.

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