
Document Type

Original Article


This study was conducted at the field of Technical Institute in Khabat/ Erbil Polytechnic University during the winter season of 2015-2016 to study the effect of manganese foliar application on some quantitative and qualitative characteristics of some canola varieties. Split- plot based on Randomized Complete Block Design, with three replication was applied. Three canola varieties (Pactol, Srew, and Sputnik) were assigned as main plot, whereas concentrations of Mn (0, 200, 400 and 600 µg ml-1) as subplot. Sputnick variety produces the highest plant height (cm), number of branches and number of Silique plant-1, while Srew variety recorded highest number of seed silique-1, 1000 seed weight (g) and seed yield (kg.ha-1), but Pactol variety surpassed in oil%, oil yield (kg.ha-1), palmitic and oleic acid%. The concentration of 400 µg ml-1 manganese foliar application surpassed in all quantitative characters excluding plant height, while 200 µg ml-1 of Mn recorded highest oleic and linoleic acids% but the concentration of 600 µg ml-1 Mn obtained highest values of palmitic, stearic and erucic acid content %. The interaction between Pactol variety and 400 µg ml-1 Mn recorded the highest seed yield (kg ha-1), oil content% and oil yield (kg ha-1), while the highest oleic acid% and lowest erucic acid were recorded from the interaction between Pactol 200 µg ml-1 and Pactol 0 Mn respectively. On the other hand the interaction treatment Sputnick variety 200 µg ml-1 surpassed in linoleic acid %

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