
Document Type

Original Article


In this research, the effect of random component in the modified Thomas-Fiering model to generate daily rainfall data was studied, and Akre station considered a case study. A random component with special distributions: Normal random numbers, Wilson-Hilferty (W-H) transformation, truncated W-H, and Kirby modification to W-H transformation were used. The model applied to the daily rainfall data for Akre station for available years 2000–2006 and the model used to generate the rainfall data for the years 2006 and 2007. The results showed that the correlation coefficients between the observed and generated data were 0.82 for normal random numbers, 0.77 for W-H transformation, 0.89 for truncated –W –H, and 0.87 for KM to W-H transformation. The tests of Chi-square test, Kolmogorov–Smirnov test, root mean squared error (RMSE) test, and mean absolute error (MAE) test were used to compare between observed and generated data. All the results have passed the Chi-square test and Kolmogorov–Smirnov, where the calculated values were less than the tabulated value at 5% significance. For the test RMSE and MAE, the truncated W-H transform was the values of at least two. Therefore, W-H transform is the best for generating the rainfall data at Akre station

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Life Sciences Commons
