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Mohammad, Hadi; Sadeq, Tariq; Ismail, Media; Ahmed, Swar O; and Ameen, Zana
"The Healing Power Of Dietary Supplements To Prevent Long-Term Covid-19; A Prospective Observation Study,"
Polytechnic Journal: Vol. 14:
1, Article 8.
Document Type
Original Article
The novel coronavirus which emerged from Wuhan, China, in December 2019, was first described as severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and affects different systems in the body resulting in different symptoms and severity. The role of macro and micro nutrients plus gut microbiome (gut-lung axis) to boost the immune system is well documented. Therefore, this study aims to boost the immune system particularly the lung immunity to shorten the infection course and prevent post-covid complications. The study strategy depends on maintaining the maximum nutritional status for well-functioning immune system, directing immune system to focus on viral infection by minimizing all the other oxidative stress pathways that cause further damage and put the body immune system under pressure. Furthermore, this study exploits all the possible mechanisms that could promote lung immunity via boosting healthy microbiome. This study includes 183 patients with positive PCR test and typical COVID-19 symptoms from Feb 2020 to Jun 2022. The patients were guided to follow a designed protocol which includes food supplements and healthy diet and nutrition. After 3 days of the protocol initiation, the covid score reduced by 1.14 (p
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