Volume 14, Issue 1 (2024)
Original Articles
Effect of Different Levels of Postbiotic and Phytobiotic Combination as on Growth Performance, Economic Production, and Immune Response of Broiler Chickens
Jamil Mobarak Mahmoud Doski and Karwan Yaseen Kareem
The Effect of the Circulation Design of Buildings on Customer Satisfaction: Koya University Bank as a Case Study
Vian A. Shareef, Wezha H. Baiz, Soran K. Omer, and Mohammed Awadh Jasim
Effects of Different Projectile Nose Shapes on the Impact Performance of the Aluminium 2024 Thin Plate
Dlair O. Ramadan
Comparative Study Between Virgin and Agriculture Soil Radon Activity Concentration and Their Radiological Risks
Hiwa Hamad Azeez, Jahfer Majeed Smail, Hemn Muhammad Salh, Habeeb Hanna Mansour, Saddon Taha Ahmad, and Hawbash H. Hamadamin Karim
Effect of Rainfall Pattern on Sediment Yield and Runoff in Different Textured Soils
Abdul-rahman Perdawood Haydar, Kamyar Mutalib Mohammed, and Dawod Rasooli Keya
Population Forecasting Till 2050 Using Various Methods and Water Supply Strategy for Erbil City
Sarwah Othman Ismael and Shuokr Qarani Aziz
The Healing Power Of Dietary Supplements To Prevent Long-Term Covid-19; A Prospective Observation Study
Hadi Mohammad, Tariq Sadeq, Media Ismail, Swar O Ahmed, and Zana Ameen
Spatiotemporal Insights into Ranya's Land-Use Transformation using Time-Series Imagery
Kaifi Chomani and Shwana Braim Hassan Manguri
New Empirical Formulae for some (p,γ) Reactions of Astrophysical S-factor and Thermonuclear Reaction Rates
Mohammed Issa Hussein
Cantor Set from a Nonstandard Viewpoint
Sebar H. Jumha, Ibrahim O. Hamad, and Ala O. Hassan
In silico engineering of fullerene-like Al12N12 nanostructured for the adsorption of PH3, NH3, and COCl2 industrial affiliate gases
Ededet A. Eno, Eban L. Kechi, Favour A. Nduoma, and Henry O. Edet

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