
Document Type

Original Article


Background: Gastroenteritis is considered as one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in children less than 5 years of age, especially in developing countries. Rotavirus and Adenovirus are recognized as common etiologies of this condition. Objectives: In Erbil province, little information are reported about these viral infections among children under 5 years old, so we investigated two of the most important agents, Rotavirus and Adenovirus to provide epidemiological evidence for a better understanding of their role among children with diarrhea. Methods: A total of 300 stool samples from pediatric patients (less than 5 years old) with gastroenteritis who were admitted to Raparin pediatric hospital, Erbil, Iraq, from May to October 2016 were collected and screened for presence of Rotavirus Group A (RovA) and Enteric Adenovirus type 40/41 (EAd40/41) antigens by using rapid immunochromatographic assay (Plasmatic Laboratory Products, DT6 5BU United Kingdom). Results: Out of the 300 samples examined, Rotavirus was detected in 65 samples (21.67%), Adenovirus was identified in 19 (6.33%) of patients and 12 (4%) of specimens had Rotavirus-Adenovirus co-infection. The findings showed that Rotavirus is significantly higher than Adenovirus. The Infections were high predominant among children <5 years old, with a maximum incidence among infants 1-12 months. The frequency of viral infection was higher in male 33.33% patients compared to females 30.3%. The viral infection in patients from rural areas (34.64%) was more frequent than those from urban areas (30.06%). The result revealed that the highly incidence were in infant using bottle-feed (36.55%) in comparing with infants who are breast-feed (28.20%) and mixed-feed (30.43%). No significant associations were observed with gender, residency and feeding types.

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