Volume 8, Issue 2 (2018)
Original Articles
Assessment of Self-Care Activity of Heart Failure Patients in Erbil City
Chnar Salahaddin Qadir
Effect of ion pairs and ion activity on calculation of groundwater salinity-potential in different soil depths
Hemn Othman Salih
Effect of organic acids supplanted in drinking water during pre- starter and starter feeding phase on broiler performance
Hassan Abdullah Mohammed
Estimating the Corneal Thickness for post-operative Laser Eye Surgery using Deep Neural Network
Sumia H. Jaffer, Nebras H. Ghaeb, and Sahar S. Baker
Safaa Toma Aka, Aryan R. Ganjo, and Sayran H. Haji
Experimental and Theoretical Study of Dew Point Evaporative Cooling System Suitable for Erbil Climate
Bashir E. Kareem and Riyadh A.M. AlHayes
Factors Affecting on Job Satisfaction among Academic Staff
Mohammed Abdul-Aziz Ahmad and Alaa Salam Jameel
Prevalence of Rotavirus and Adenovirus Infections among Children under 5 Years Old with Gastroenteritis Admitted To Raparin Pediatric Hospital, Erbil Province
Karim Jwan Saleh khoshnaw, Hussein M. Abdullah, and Pshtewan D. Majeed
Palynofacies and Source Rock Evaluation of Baluti Formation (Late-Triassic) in two selected wells in Duhok governorate, Iraqi Kurdistan Region.
Revan K. Akram and Srood F. Naqshabandi
Fabrication of n-CdO NPs/PS Heterojunction by laser ablation in ethanol
Nawroz Ismael Hassan and Sevan Hussein Ali
Synthesis of Some Lanthanide Complexes Derived From o-Vanphen
Muharram Yaseen Mohamad and Kamaran Basheer Hussein
Numerical Study of Heat Transfer Enhancement of Nanofluids Spry in Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers
Ranj Sirwan Abdullah
Prevalence of ESBL and AmpC β-Lactamase Production and Biofilm Formation in Burn Isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa From Rozhawa Hospital in Erbil City
Sayran Hamad Haji
Influence of Oil Contamination on Geotechnical Properties of Sandy Soil
Farman Khalil GHAFFOORI and Mehmet KARPUZCU
Effect of Crude Oil Contamination on physical and Chemical Properties of Soil of Tarjan Refineries Erbil Province - North of Iraq
Mohamed Moafak Aziz ARBILI and Mehmet KARPUZCU

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