
Document Type

Original Article


cutting rock samples of Late Triassic Baluti Formation from two exploration wells (Atrush and Sheikhan wells), near Duhok city, Iraqi Kurdistan Region were analyzed to determine the Palynofacies, then to evaluate source rock potentiality and the thermal maturity by pyrolysis parameters. Three Palynofacies were identified according to the amount of the each organic matter category. The Palynofacies-1, was deposited in Heterolithic oxic shelf, Palynofacies-2 was deposited in shelf to basin transition and Palynofacies-3 which deposited in Mud-dominated oxic shelf. According to quantitative classification of Total Organic Carbon values, the founded percentage of TOC was higher in well Sheikhan-1B (in Sheikhan Structure), resembling in fair source rock, comparing to well Atrush-1 (in Atrush Structure) which showes poor source rock indications. According to the Tmax values, Baluti Formation in both wells were reached early stage of maturity, but Tmax was higher in well Sheikhan-1B than well Atrush-1. The type of the organic matter were determined from calculation of hydrogen index and oxygen index, thus in well Sheikhan-1B the kerogen is type III to IV while Atrush-1 contains type II to III. Moreover, Sheikhan-1B has ability to generate gas (gas prone), while Atrush-1 is producing mixed oil-gas

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