
Document Type

Original Article


Oil contamination due to accidental spill or leakage brings hefty damage to the environments. It percolates steadily into subsurface environments and contaminates the soil and water system. Every day, petrochemical activities, oil spills, and pipeline or reservoir leakage result in ground contamination. In addition to environmental concerns, such as groundwater pollution and the alteration of geotechnical properties of the contaminated soil. Contamination has been proven to alter the geotechnical properties of soil, and researchers have extensively studied the properties of contaminated granular soils. Hydrocarbon contamination has not just affected the quality of the soil but can also alter the physical properties of oil-contaminated soil. This study presented the geotechnical properties of oil-contaminated soils as well as uncontaminated soils for comparison. Testing programs performed on the studied soils included basic properties, compaction, and direct shear test. The soil samples were taken from the lands in the Lajan area and oil refinery site where there is a vast area subjected to this problem. Soil samples were artificially contaminated with crude oil in 4%, 8%, 12% and 16% by the dry weight of based soils. The results indicated a decrease in specific gravity from 2.619 to 2.58, also OMC decreased from 9.9 to 4.3 with increased crude oil from 0% to 16% respectively. Inversely cohesive was increased (0.26 to 48.1) with increase crude oil content at the same ratio. Knowledge of these effects of oil contamination is important in engineering and environmental remediation.

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