
Document Type

Original Article


This paper presents the results of a study on the effect of crude oil contamination on the physical and chemical properties of soils of Tarjan refineries Erbil province, north of Iraq. A laboratory investigation was conducted to compare selected physical and chemical properties of uncontaminated and contaminated soil. Crude oil was chosen as the contaminant from khormala oil well in Erbil province. The effect of contamination by crude oils on the physical and chemical properties of soils has been studied. The testing included basic properties, Atterberg limits, Specific gravity, composition chemical and pH value on clean and contaminated soil samples. The contaminated samples were prepared by mixing the soils with crude oil in the amount of 3%, 6%, 9%, 12%, and 15% by dry weight. The results indicated an increase in liquid limit from 0% oil to 15% oil content were 35 to 55 respectively, specific gravity decreased with increasing oil contamination from clean soil was 2.663 to 15% oil content was 2.376, for the chemical properties the chemical composition slight decrease such MgO, Al2O3, CaO and Fe2O3 and increase such as Na2O with increasing the percentage of contaminant in the soil

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