Volume 9, Issue 1 (2019)
Original Articles
Effect Of Plant Spacing On Yield And Some Quality Characteristics Of Three Chickpea (Cicer Arietinum L.) Varieties
Sumaya Ahmed Abdullah, Bilal Bilal, and Raad Hussein Salih
Improving Error Correction Stage and Expanding the Final Key using Dynamic Linear-feedback Shift Register in Sarg04 Protoco
Omer Sherko Mustafa, Ali Hussein Yousif, and Dana F. Abdulqadir
Effects of Polypropylene Fiber Content on Strength and Workability Properties of Concrete
Yassin A. Ibrahim, Arsalan H. Hasan, and Nyazi R. Maroof
Histological Alterations Induced by Atorvastatin Therapeutic Doses in some Organs of Male Albino Rats
Twana Ahmed Mustafa and Hamza Osman Abdulah
Phage Therapy Against Biofilm of Multidrug-Resistant Klebsiella Pneumoniae Isolated from Zakho Hospital Samples
Yousif Abdullah Albany, Mohammad Ismail Al-Berfkani, and Mahde Saleh Assafi
Antidiabetic Action of Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) Leaves Powder on Type II Diabetic Patients
Burhan A. Salih and Kokaz O. Azeez
Assess the Changing Role of Database Technology within Geographic Information System Over the Past 45 Years
Ashna Bdulrahman Kareem
Assessment of Knowledge of Neonatal Jaundice among Mothers Attending Maternal and Pediatric Hospital in Soran City
Kareem Jamal Hamad and Haroon Muhammad Khalil
Effect of Ploughing Depth, Tractor Forward Speed, and Plough Types on the Fuel Consumption and Tractor Performance
Kareem Ibrahim Kareem and P Sve
Factors Affecting Customer Satisfaction in the Internet Service Industry (Exploratory Study of Internet Service Providers in Erbil - Kurdistan Region)
Bahzad Taher Salim, Sirwan Latif Haji, and Rizgar saed hussein
Influence of Kawergosk Refinery Waste Oil on Geotechnical Properties of Contaminated Clayey Soil
Ferzand Kamal Medhat, Mehmet Carpuzcu, Ali Firat Cabalar, and Ahmed al-obaidi
Production of Lightweight Thermal Insulating Clay Bricks using Papyrus
Hussein Muhamad Ali
The Role of Intellectual Capital on Financial Decision Making in Private Universities in Erbil City – Iraq
Kamal Mohammed Abdullah, Ş Gul Reis, and Luqman Mohamed Saeed

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