Volume 13, Issue 1 (2023)
Original Articles
Evaluation of slope stabilization by vegetation reinforcement: modelling aspects
Shimal Abdulrahman Ahmed and Mohammed S. Hussain
Evaluatin The Effect of Primary Amine in Bitterness of Selected Cephalosporins
Diyar B. Wso and Dana Hamad Ameen
Vertical and Horizontal Stresses in Narrow Mechanically Stabilized Earth Retaining Walls
jamal I. Kakarasul Al-Bajalan
Impact of Crowded Sky on GNSS Positioning
Shamal Fatah Ahmed
Land Use Land Cover Changes Detection of Erbil City Using GIS and Remote Sensing
Mohammed Ghadban Mohammed
Effects Variability Number of Load Repetitions on the Optimum Thickness of Asphalt Layer with Respect to Fatigue and Rutting Behaviour on the Sand Bed Soil Area
Samir Hasan Raza and Nazeer Muhammed Ali Abdulah
Performance evaluation of reclaimed asphalt pavement rejuvenated with Waste Engine Oil and Vacuum Residue in the presence of water
Heja Gh. M. Hasan and Ayman A. Abdulmawjoud
Prevalence and Antibiotic Resistance Profile of Secondary Bacterial Pneumonia and Bloodstream Infections Among Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients and Their Relation to Procalcitonin
Azhin D. Aziz and Adel K. Khider
Correlation between life style and gingival health in adult patients in Erbil city-Iraq
Shahida Rassul Hussein
Nonlinear analysis of pile raft foundations under eccentric loads
Khalid Qasim Hussein and Dr. Rafi’ M. Sulaiman Al-Ne’aimi
COVID-19 Vaccines Hesitancy among Universities Staff in the Kurdistan Region/Iraq: A Cross-Sectional Study
Avin Muhsin Assad, Rukhosh Esaq Mekha, Dawan Jamal Hawezy, and Azhi Aram Kareem
Rapid Situation Assessment of Dental Caries and Its Risk Factors Among High School Students in Erbil City; A Cross-Sectional Study
Zana A. H.Ameen and Khalis B.M. Ali
Indoors Smartphone Positioning Enhancement Using Wi-Fi and Magnetometer
Runahi F. Qadir, Halgurd S. Maghdid, and Azhin T. Sabir
Allelopathic effect of Sidr (Ziziphus spina- christi (L.) Wild.) Leaf extracts on seed germination and seedling parameters
Nohra Shwan Hanna and Yaseen Ahmed Rasheed Goran
Nephroprotective Roles of L-Cysteine, Silymarin and Ursodeoxycholic acid, against Carbon Tetrachloride induced Nephrotoxicity in Male Albino Rats
Hero H. Muhammed Saed, Sarwar N. Jafar, Zeyan A. Ali, and Treefa F. Ismail
Statistical Analysis of Lipid Profiles Associated with Coronary Heart Disease in Erbil City-Iraq
Dler Hussein Kadir, Karzan Abdullah, Aziz Muazafar Jafaar, Rebaz Hamza Salih, Shukur Wasman Smail, Gashaw Qasim Rahman, Harem Khdir Awla, and Zhikal Omar Khudhur
Investigation Limb darkening for short period AB Andromeda eclipsing binary star
Chiman Ibrahim Hussein
Didar Swara Salih and Rafet Y
Protective Effect of Fenugreek Supplementation Against Mercury Toxicity on Sperm Parameters, Serum Testosterone and Testicular Tissue in the Rat
Jalal A. Karim and Karim R. Hamad
Clinical & Laboratory markers as predictors for severity and mortality in COVID-19
Asma Ameen Ghareeb and Sazan Moffaq Abdulaziz
The Role of Mobile Phones in the Transmission of Bacteria and Fungi Associated with Hospital-acquired infections in Erbil City
Sheylan S. Abdullah
Experimental Investigation of post-installed anchors’ behavior under axial tensile force
Deedar A. Hussein and Sarkawt Asaad Sarkawt
Influence of Zinc Oxide Nano Spray on the Growth and Development of Bryophyllum pinnatum
Sirwa Anwar Qadir, Chnar Najmaddin Fathulla, and Shireen Abdulkerim Amin
Using a Stoichiometrically Imprinted Polymer to Directly Extract Penicillin G and Its Derivatives from Aqueous Samples
Tahseen Rasool Abdullah, Ali Rasul Mohammed, and Badr Qadir Surchi

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