Most Recent Additions*
An Attention-based Model for Recognition of Facial Expressions using CNN-BiLSTM
Sushil Kumar Singh, Manish Kumar, Ikram Majeed Khan, A. Jayanthiladevi, and Chirag Agarwal
Utilizing Machine Learning and Deep Learning for Precise Intensity-Duration- Frequency (IDF) Curve Predictions
Sheeraz M. Ameen, Shuokr Qarani Aziz, Anwer Hazim Dawood, Azhin Tahir Sabir, and Dara Muhammad Hawez
Incorporation of XAI and Deep Learning in Biomedical Imaging: A Review
Sushil Kumar Singh, Bal Virdee, Saurabh Aggarwal, and Abhilash Maroju
Insilico evaluation of the therapeutic effects of N1-(5-(3-imino-2,4a-dihydro-3H-benzo[f]chromen-2-yl)-1,3,4-thiadiazol-2-yl)-N10-(5-(3-imino-3H-benzo[f]chromen-2-yl)-1,3,4-thiadiazol-2-yl)decanediamide as Anti-Hepatitis B and C agent
Moses M. Edim, Njok N. Okam, Nguuma I. Gber, Jessica E. Egbelo, Israel E. Okon, Chiemerie P. Ogbonna, Emmanuel K. Aidoo, Kenneth N. Chisom, and Emmanuel Samuel
A Review on Exploring Artificial Intelligence Applications, Advancements, Issues, and Future Challenges
Sajid Naeem, Novman Nabeel, Waseem Beg, Shujaat Ali, Rajiv N. Kanojiya, Satish S. Mandawade, Chetan R. Yewale, SC Kulkarni, VT Salunke, and AV Patil
Silver Nanoparticle Synthesis Using Bay Leaf Extract (Syzygium polyanthum) and Antibacterial Effectiveness Testing Against Staphylococcus Aureus and Escherichia Coli Bacteria
Waode Erimelga Nurfitri, Suryani Dyah Astuti, Yazid Muhammad Amruloh, Desy Zahrotul Istiqomah Nurdin, Andi Hamim Zaidan, Ahmad Khalil Yaqubi, and Ardiyansyah Syahrom
Yield and Fruit quality of Two Strawberry Cultivars (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) Under Three Types of Hydroponic Systems
Shwan Mohammed Baper and Shabaq Mohammed Nafea Hawezy
Silicon and phosphorus co-doping of aluminium nitride nanotube (SiP-AlNNT) as sensors for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon fuel pollutants: A computational approach
Musa Runde, Uzairu Muhammad Sada, Friday O. Izachi, Odey S. Eburu, and Anthony M.S. Pembere
A Survey of Root Canal Treatment in Kurdish Community: A pilot study
Adil Othman Abdullah
Shannon Entropy and Complexity Measures for Generalized Dunkl Oscillator
P. O. Amadi, A. N. Ikot, U. S. Okorie, R. Horchani, and M. C. Onyeaju
Development of a Magnetic LED-Based Sterilisator for Inactivation of Contaminant Bacteria
Yonatan Yonatan, Suryani Dyah Astuti, Khusnul Ain, Deny Arifianto, Ahmad Khalil Yaqubi, and Perwira Annissa Dyah Permatasari
Diversity of Gill Cichlidogyrus spp. (Monopisthocotylean) Infecting Coptodon zillii (Gervais, 1848) from Lake Naivasha, Kenya
Nehemiah M Rindoria
Biocontrol of Red Flour Beetle, Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) in Stored Wheat Using Entomopathogenic Fungi
Sahand Kamal Khidr, Waran N. Abdullah Agha, and Qasim Abdullah Marzani
Using a Stoichiometrically Imprinted Polymer to Directly Extract Penicillin G and Its Derivatives from Aqueous Samples
Tahseen Rasool Abdullah, Ali Rasul Mohammed, and Badr Qadir Surchi
Influence of Zinc Oxide Nano Spray on the Growth and Development of Bryophyllum pinnatum
Sirwa Anwar Qadir, Chnar Najmaddin Fathulla, and Shireen Abdulkerim Amin
Experimental Investigation of post-installed anchors’ behavior under axial tensile force
Deedar A. Hussein and Sarkawt Asaad Sarkawt
The Role of Mobile Phones in the Transmission of Bacteria and Fungi Associated with Hospital-acquired infections in Erbil City
Sheylan S. Abdullah
High Responsivity of Sol-gel TiO2NPs/Si Photodetectors Deposited by Spin Coating Method
Ahmed Hassan Kurda, Shaida Anwar Kakil, and Yousif Mawlood Hassan
Study of life history traits of Culex pipiens Linnaeus, 1758 (Diptera: Culicidae) in Laboratory in Erbil province-Iraq
Dlpak Birkhader Yaba and Shamall Abdulla Al-Muffti
*Updated as of 03/25/25.